Tuesday, September 26, 2006


6:42am the alarm cuts through the air with its menacing beep. I hit the blue button and it stops.
At precisely 6:48am the alarm sounds again loud enough it seems to wake up the neighbourhood. Silenced again by the blue button.

6:54am and for the third and final time the beeping returns. I flick the switch, and the snooze feature is disabled. I have now taken full responsibility for ensuring my timely arrival at work.

Time... time... time.

What is time? When did it begin? When will it end? Tomorrow, yesterday, the future, the past. None of it really exists. Well, it does sort of exist, because we, as humans, created it. But it's not something that can be captured or stopped or preserved.

If we never created clocks we would simply exist... Exist in the present time.

We can only exist in the present time. In fact, everything only happens in the present. Nothing ever happened in the past and nothing will ever happen in the future. It only happens in the present.

Of course, for the sake of simplicity of living in the modern world we have sychronized watches that help us conduct business, keep appointments and generally get on with life.

The thing with time, is that we have to rush around in our lives to be on time, to not run late, to be punctual. The problem with this thing called time is that it makes us impatient.

Impatience is the bane of anyone trying to get from one place in their life to another. I know that far too often I'm looking forward to the next step, the next goal, the next progession. Rather than consistently looking forward, and being impatient about how long it's all taking I know I need to relax and enjoy the ride, however long it takes.

Life is a journey to be enjoyed, not rushed through to the end... because we all know where the end gets us. One way or the other our lives will continue on and it makes no difference whether or not we rush. We'll all still get to the end at the same rate, some will just have more stress than others.

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