The Zebra has stripes
Black and white
Which are they?
Black or white?
Is he striped to the bone?
What colour is his meat?
Is it all on the surface?
From his head to his feet?
Or from his brain to his heart?
Do we admire him for what he is?
Or what he isn't?
Poor Zebra.
Black and white
Which are they?
Black or white?
Is he striped to the bone?
What colour is his meat?
Is it all on the surface?
From his head to his feet?
Or from his brain to his heart?
Do we admire him for what he is?
Or what he isn't?
Poor Zebra.

1 comment:
I like it. The rhythm... questioning the inside, the outside - do we really know what we expect from something or someone? What is admiration exactly? Perhaps accepting the animal for what it is, and what it isn't.... or maybe it's admiring the fact that it simply is.
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