Monday, December 04, 2006

A New Way of Thinking.

I'm tracking well with my three new habits. I've slept 23 hours in three nights, but that's over the weekend. I'm drinking the water, and my desk is tidy.

What I've noticed is how my thoughts have changed. Things that were "I ought to's" have now become conscious thoughts. I've never planned my sleep before, but I was thinking that with some Christmas parties coming up, I need to get some extra hours in to make sure I reach my quota. It's a totally new way of thinking.

And I feel a lot better now that I'm drinking more water, and come in to start the work day with a clean desk. You'll certainly hear more about this.

I just read a quote from Wayne Dyer that sums up my observations of what happens when you begin to change:

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Man,
How you doin?
I love reading your blog.
How are your habits going?
I once tried to start a conversation with three new people everyday but it ended on the second day when some guy picked my pockets while I was talking to his friend. That's just not on.
Anyway, would love to hear how the sleep, water and clean desk habits are going...
PS - Also how's your scheme going to help poor people going? I had one of those things going too...until the Feds caught up with me.