Monday, August 28, 2006

What Started My Spiritual Awakening

Less that ten years ago if you had mentioned anything about paranormal activities, psychic behaviour, etc. I would have dismissed it all as mumbo jumbo.

Then I had the good fortune to have a boss who was psychic, and slowly I learned to open my eyes to more. Through her I started unravelling some of the unexplained mysteries in my mind.

I have since left that job, and live a world away in Calgary, following her advice that I needed to move. The past six years has been a slow, sometimes painful journey into my present state of mind, and I see that everything continues to evolve, and my ideas continue to change.

The first book I read that prompted the major shift in the past couple of years was "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. This answered so many questions for me, and my wife complains at how often I quote "Eckhart".

Where I find it difficult to see how much I've changed is because I never had a single life-changing event, or a major tragedy that caused me to re-focus my life and search for new meaning. For me, the journey to this point has been a gradual learning process, similar to an education - learning from people, getting new directions, and seeing new opportunities.

Perhaps the life-changing event is still to happen and I'm merely getting prepared for it!

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